Monday, August 10, 2020

G2013 Q2


It takes approximately ______ minutes for sunlight to reach the Earth.

We know that,

Earth-Sun distance = 1.496 x 108m

Velocity of light reaching Earth = 3 x 108 m/s

Time taken by light to reach earth is 

=(Earth-sun distance)/(Velocity of light)  

= (1.496 x 10^8 m)/(3 x 10^8  m/s)

= 8.31 minutes.

G2013 Q1

The number of hydrous minerals in the Moh's scale of hardness is __________.

The hydrous minerals in the Moh’s scale of hardness are

Talc                Mg3Si4O10(OH)2

Gypsum         CaSO4.2H2O

Apatite           CaS(PO4)3(F1Cl1OH)

Topaz             Al2SiO4(F1OH)2

Sunday, August 2, 2020

GATE 2017 Q.68

68. The beach ball figure below depicts the focal
mechanism of an earthquake. The shaded and unshaded
portions indicate a compressional and dilatational
quadrant, respectively. FP1 is the fault plane solution.
The focal mechanism and FP1 represent 

A. A thrust fault with strike 45 degree and dip 30
degree with the tension axis in the compression
B. A normal fault with strike 45 degree and dip 30
degree with the tension axis in the compression
C. A thrust fault with strike 225 degree and dip 60
degree with the pressure axis in the compression
D. A normal fault with strike 225 degree and dip 60
with the pressure axis in the compression quadrant 


G2013 Q2

  It takes approximately ______ minutes for sunlight to reach the Earth. We know that, Earth-Sun distance = 1.496 x 108m Velocity of light r...